Organic India Tulsi Green Tea Classic 100g

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Date of Manufacture: 12 July 2022

Expiry: 12 July 2024

Tulsi Green Tea Classic (Certified Organic).

  • Type: Green Tea
  • Brand: Organic India
  • Flavor: Classic
  • Category: Tea
  • Ingredients: Organic Tulsi Leaves, Green Tea Leaves
  • Certification: Certified Organic

Country Of Origin : India

  • Product description

    Tulsi Green Tea Classic (Certified Organic).

    Organic Certification Labels: India Organic, Jaivik Bharat, USDA Organic.

    Ingredients: Organic Green Tea Leaf, Organic Rama Tulsi Leaf, Organic Krishna Tulsi Leaf, Organic Vana Tulsi Leaf.

    Description: Tulsi Green Tea contains natural herbs good for health. Proprietary Food studies show that both Tulsi & Green Tea promote healthy metabolism which is vital to weight management. Both offer a vast array of remarkable health benefits including an abundance of antioxidants which eliminate damaging free radicals in the body. Our amazing combination refreshes and tastes wonderful. Drink up and enjoy!

    Directions: Place one teaspoonful per cup (120ml). Pour just boiled water directly onto Tulsi Leaves. Infuse for 3-5 mins or longer. Strain & serve. 

    Add natural sweetener if desired. Double the strength when serving iced. Best when consumed without milk.

    Manufactured by: Organic India Private Limited, Uttar Pradesh, India.

    Registered Office: Organic India Private Limited, New Delhi, India.

    Certified Organic by: Control Union. 

    Product Produced and Processed according to NPOP Standard of India & USDA-NOP.

    Additional information*

    Organic India Tulsi Green Tea Classic 100g


    Tulsi Green Tea Classic by Organic India is a unique blend of organic green tea leaf and three varieties of holy basil, also known as Tulsi: Rama Tulsi, Krishna Tulsi, and Vana Tulsi. Each serving of this tea provides a wealth of healthy benefits, natural herbs, and a delightful flavor that makes it a favored choice for many tea enthusiasts around the globe. This tea stands as a testament to the rich traditional practices blended seamlessly with the requirements of modern health concerns, resulting in a product that is as beneficial as it is pleasant.

    Key Features

    Certified Organic

    Organic India Tulsi Green Tea Classic is certified by credible authorities, adding significant value: - India Organic - Jaivik Bharat - USDA Organic

    These certifications ensure that the product meets high standards of organic farming and processing, which means no synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers are used at any stage of production.

    Powerful Ingredients

    The tea is composed of the following organic ingredients, each selected for their unique properties and health benefits: - Organic Green Tea Leaf: Known for its numerous health benefits, including metabolism-boosting properties. - Organic Rama Tulsi Leaf: Often revered for its adaptogenic and stress-relieving qualities. - Organic Krishna Tulsi Leaf: Recognized for its strong antioxidant properties. - Organic Vana Tulsi Leaf: Offers robust wellness benefits and contributes a distinct flavor to the blend.

    Health Benefits

    Tulsi Green Tea Classic offers a myriad of health benefits owing to its potent combination: - Antioxidant-Rich: Both Tulsi and Green Tea are loaded with antioxidants, helping to eliminate free radicals in the body, which can otherwise cause cellular damage. - Metabolism Enhancer: Aids in healthy metabolism, crucial for effective weight management. - Adaptogenic Properties: Helps in stress reduction and promoting mental balance. - Immune-Boosting: Contains natural compounds that help enhance the body's natural defense systems.

    Preparation Directions

    For a perfect cup of Tulsi Green Tea Classic: 1. Measure: Use one teaspoonful of tea per cup (120ml). 2. Boil Water: Pour freshly boiled water directly onto the Tulsi leaves. 3. Brew: Allow the tea to infuse for 3-5 minutes, or longer if a stronger brew is desired. 4. Strain and Serve: Strain the tea and serve. Sweeten naturally if preferred. 5. Iced Tea: For a cold brew, double the strength of the tea for a more concentrated flavor.

    No Additives or Preservatives

    True to the core principles of organic farming and holistic well-being, there's no addition of synthetic additives, preservatives, or flavor enhancers. The tea is purely natural and organic, delivering nothing but wholesome goodness in every cup.


    The product is available in a 100g package, ensuring you have enough to enjoy multiple servings and fully experience the benefits it offers. The packaging is designed to retain the freshness of the tea, so you get the optimal flavor and nutrient profile with every use.

    Manufacturer Information

    • Manufactured by: Organic India Private Limited, Uttar Pradesh, India.
    • Registered Office: Organic India Private Limited, New Delhi, India.
    • Certified Organic by: Control Union.

    This strict adherence to high-quality production standards ensures that every packet of Organic India Tulsi Green Tea Classic is nothing short of excellence.

    Brewing Tips

    • Custom Strength: Adapt the strength of the brew by adjusting the steeping time and quantity per cup to fit your personal taste preference.
    • Serving iced: For a refreshing iced tea, double the strength of your hot brew proportions and pour over ice. Enjoy a revitalizing drink that’s perfect for warm weather.

    Taste Profile

    The delightful blend of Tulsi Green Tea Classic offers a refreshing and uplifting flavor: - Green Tea: Provides the classic, slightly astringent yet rich taste characteristic of high-quality green teas. - Tulsi Ensemble: Adds a complex, slightly spicy, and aromatic layer to the flavor, creating a perfectly balanced and harmonious cup of tea.

    Nutritional Value

    Although specific nutritional values can vary, Tulsi Green Tea Classic generally provides the following: - Low Calories: Ideal for those watching their caloric intake. - Natural Compounds: Contains polyphenols, flavonoids, and various other beneficial compounds that contribute to its health-promoting properties.

    Storage Instructions

    To maintain the tea's quality and freshness: - Store in a cool, dry place. - Seal tightly to prevent moisture.

    Essence of Tradition and Modern Wellness

    Organic India's Tulsi Green Tea Classic represents a beautiful synergy of ancient wisdom and modern wellness. The meticulous selection of ingredients and adherence to organic practices make it more than just a beverage; it’s a holistic health

    Organic India Tulsi Green TeaCertified Organic Green TeaTulsi Green Tea ClassicBuy Tulsi Green Tea OnlineOrganic Green TeaOrganic India
    *Disclaimer: This additional description has been automatically generated and has not been audited or verified for accuracy. It is recommended to verify product details independently before making any purchasing decisions.
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